Icarus - a suite for cello ensemble and voice (2022)
Music and lyrics: Filippa Westerberg
I. Sundial
II. Feathers and wax
III. Insanity
IV. For dust I am
V. Peace
Queralt Adam Colom
Monica Tønning
Ksymena Ślusarczyk
Anna Hjort
Jonas Rongsted Kristiansen
Konsta Kärkkäinen
Solo cello and voice: Filippa Westerberg
Sound and video from a performance at SDMK, Odense
5th of December 2022
“Ett motstånd mot det tomma”
Trumpet, voice: Rasmus Mikkelsen
Cello, voice: Filippa Westerberg
Poem: Ella Hillbäck (1915-1979)
“Din hud har sagt att jag är till.
Jag lever, har en kropp vid min.
Ett motstånd mot det tomma.
Här vid din sida blev jag till.
Du samlade det splittrade.
För du är till --- jag känner dig:
en annan hud än min.
Jag famlar i förvåning
mot denna hud och muskelvägg:
En naken gräns av människa.
Av samma ensamhet som min . . .
“Sound and video from a performance at SDMK, Odense
8th of May 2023
An exploring project - sound and movement
In the fall of 2021 dancer Oliver Poulin and musician Filippa Westerberg met three times to explore sound and movement together through improvisation.
They recorded the process and tried out different boundaries and impulses.
This experiment ended with 15 minutes on stage at the Contemporary Creative Artist “concert” in December 2021. Here they showcased the product of their collaboration with an audience to experience it with them.
Dancer: Oliver Poulin
Cellist: Filippa Westerberg
Sound and video from a performance at SDMK, Esbjerg
7th of December 2021
Voice and cello - Filippa Westerberg
Recorded by Anneli Åström, Sundsgården 2016
"Invitation" by Bronisław Kaper
lyrics by Paul Francis Webster
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